Wednesday, February 20, 2013

So here's the short of it, 
Waking up. 

And here's the long.

So this morning my alarm sounded and I thought to myself that there is nothing in the world more  wonderful than that cozy feeling of stirring awake without an alarm and turning over for one last snooze before waking up for whatever the day holds.

And then there's the reality.  The alarm.  The snooze button. The alarm again - and maybe even again. The final move to roll out of the bed and get a start on the day!

Tomorrow's not an extraordinarily early morning.  Maybe I'll even get up before the alarm sounds!

Monday, February 18, 2013

So here's the short of it, 

And here's the long.

Sometime in the late 70's Mom bought me a Singer Touch and Sew sewing machine.  It's been a great machine through the years.  Now, I'm not a seamstress who sews all the time, but I have spells when I make things.  And I can make a pretty fine stitch if I say so myself.

Just before Christmas, I had a little project in mind to make for my family.  I got all the stuff together and then when I started to sew my good old Singer friend just wouldn't work.

Ever since I moved to Chattanooga, I've used the Pro-Sew shop to do regular maintenance and repair work.  So today I finally got the machine down to see about getting it fixed.  It seems that there are some gears that have to be replaced,and it's going to be a pretty expensive fix.  So I had a really nice visit with Henry - the owner of the shop - who told me today that he's 85 years old but wants to work another 3 years!  Then I packed the machine back up into the car and brought it home to decide what I'm going to do.

Maybe a new machine is in the works.....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

So here's the short of it, 
Alan has requested banana bread...

And here's the long.

A couple of months ago Alan said he'd like it if I started making banana bread.  He has memories of his maternal Grandmother - MeMaw as she was known, making banana bread.  So I've been trying to find a recipe that we both like.

Alan's request was to make sure it's moist.  My first try was moist alright.  It was a dense, thick, and not so successful try.  (Alan ate it anyway).  The next one was OK, but not moist enough.  The next one wasn't much better.  I've got another recipe in the oven right now -  it's got oatmeal in it.  It's filling the house up with this delicious smell right now.  Wonder if it will be "the recipe."  It will have to taste as good as it smells!

Friday, February 15, 2013

So here's the short of it, 
We have a Marine Officer in the Family...

And here's the long.

Patrick received his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps this evening.    
Alan and I were sure proud to be there to be a part of it.

Here is Steve helping him get his uniform ready and adjusted just right.

And here is the whole family!


"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreigh and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation frely; and without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; that I will well and faaithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter; So help me God."

And here is the new 2nd Lieutenant and his proud parents!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

So here's the short of it, 
Happy Valentine's Day to all!

And here's the long.

View Original Picture here

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

So here's the short of it, 
Wow - I got tired

And here's the long.

This afternoon at the office I thought I was gonna have to put my head down on my desk and take a nap!  My two office suite colleagues were feeling the same way! I'm guessing that we've all got a touch of this awfulness that's making its rounds in the schools.  Thank goodness it's not gotten me down like so many.  This morning when I went into my first school stop there was a little fellow on his knees leaning over a trash can.  The secretary asked him if he felt like he could wait for his mother in the chair.  He looked up at her - his little face was so pale -- he shook his head no.  I used some of the hand sanitizer that sits in the front office of nearly every elementary school in our county  - probably the whole country!

Anyway, I'm fine.  I got a second wind and am going to try to get into bed a little earlier than usual tonight.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

So here's the short of it, 
Watching the Westminster Dog Show

And here's the long.

It's been a long time since I chose not to watch the State of the Union message from the president, but tonight I decided to watch the Westminster Dog Show.

The dogs are beautiful, and I'm amazed at how they are so well trained and so remarkably well groomed.  

I'll have to say though, our Heinz 57 variety dogs over the years have been the best dogs.  And we've got ourselves another one too - our Sophie who is stretched out on the carpet in front of me just waiting to put me to bed. 

I suppose I would wish that everyone in the world could have the opportunity to give a part of your heart to a dog.  It would surely make the world a better place!