Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tired, Tired, Tired

So here's the short of it,
I'm really tired.

And here's the long

I am so tired, and I am so tired of being tired!
Today I worked most of the day, but had to leave early to get to my Herceptin treatment.  I have to say that it is an absolute effort to get up in the morning and get dressed and ready to go to work.  I sleep but it doesn't seem that sleep touches this tiredness.  Even when I'm at work, and just sitting and doing work by computer, and phone, I'm exhausted.

This afternoon the reason for my exhaustion was made perfectly clear, it showed up right on my lab report.  My white counts are going up just a tad but are still not in a really good place, so I have to continue to watch my exposure to germs.  But my red counts aren't budging!  Dr. Schlabach came by and had a discussion about my red counts and the need for another blood transfusion. He is a super cautious practitioner (one of the reasons I wanted to use him) and he doesn't really like to do transfusions unless they are really necessary because of the risks.  When I had the transfusion before, he knew that I couldn't just stay home in bed, because it was the day before Dad's funeral.  He was afraid I would "pass out" with all the activity and people coming and going.  But since I have some flexibility with my schedule now and have a few days off next week, he suggested we wait to see if my body will rebound on its own and start making some red blood cells, which is his preference.  I suppose if my counts are still down next week, we'll have to schedule a transfusion.  So all prayers, meditations, and cheerleading for my bone marrow to get back to work to manufacture platelets and red blood cells will be greatly appreciated!

In the meantime, I am already thinking about next week when I'll have a few days to just rest and sleep with no alarm going off.  I wonder how late I'll sleep when there's nothing (but a dog) to wake me up.

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