Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nose report

So here's the short of it,
I have awful sores in my nose and Sophie is spoiled rotten.  We got to see Mommy Anne and Mom today. 

And here's the long

Another day down toward the finish line! 

I forgot to mention yesterday that I don't have any nose hairs!  Well, apparently they really do have a job to do.   My most noticeable nose symptoms are the continued drippy, weeping nose.  So far I've not had the flu like symptoms which many women apparently experience as a side effect of Herceptin - that could be because my oncologist prefers the weekly treatment to the 1X  every 3 weeks that some use. My nose though is pretty irritated at this point.  It seems that for no reason whatsoever it will just start running, not really like mucus, more like tears.  So I have to keep tissues at hand all the time.  That is such a new thing for me!   I have developed sores in my nose, especially all around the inside rim of my nostril.  These sores make my nose very tender, and they bleed, and at night they crust up so much that by morning they are very sore.  Using my neti pot seems to help keep my sinuses cleaned out, but is not so helpful for the sores.  I've recently seen a recipe for unpetroleum jelly.  I'm planning to make some as soon as I find a source for beeswax.  The recipe is so simple.
Unpetroleum Jelly Recipe
1 oz Beeswax and 1/2 cup Sweet Almond Oil
 (or other oils can be substituted such as sunflower, avocado, etc.)
Melt beeswax in microwave, stir in Sweet Almond Oil. Stir until cool.
I think I'll like that a bit better than using the petroleum based products I have been using.  
Today, Alan and I went over and had lunch with Mommy Anne.  Mrs. Johnson her table mate really does watch after her.  She always tells us whether or not she's been eating as she should and I think that when we are not there that she kind of stays after her to eat more.  It was a nice lunch, they had a really good meatloaf and sides.  I'm actually always kind of surprised at how good the food is for an institution. 

After we finished up there, we went to PetSmart and spent an obscene amount of money on things for Sophie.  Poor little Lola only got a couple of new dishes.  Sophie on the other hand got new toys, treats, a trial of some new food, and a new treat dispenser. Mom said the other day when Sophie was carrying around one of her toys, that in all her life she never got toys for dogs.  It just makes me aware of how different life is for me and my children than it was for Mom growing up in a rural setting where everyone had jobs to do every day, including the dogs.  
This evening Mom came up and had a simple supper with us.  We had pea soup and cheese toast and some of Aunt Joyce's great pecan pie for dessert.  It was quite satisfying.  After dinner I helped Mom scan some documents and get them e-mailed to Steve.  I keep reminding myself how lucky we are to have her so close by.  She commented this evening that she really misses Patches.  

Liga is spoiling me. She went to the grocery again today, and I'll have to say, I'm not missing that chore very much.  I'm planning to work every day this week except for making Wednesday a 1/2 day.  I'll have to see my radiation doc, as well as having the treatment and have my herceptin as well.  It looks like we've got some wet, cold days coming up.  I'm glad I chose a career that doesn't require me to work outside! Of course I always feel differently in the spring and fall!   

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