Thursday, February 16, 2012

So here's the short of it,
I'm hoping I have the answer to my rash and eye problems!

And here's the long.

So I started taking Flexeril in early February.  It's a muscle relaxer and has helped my back pain enormously! By the end of the week, I noticed a rash just under my breasts - Good timing as I had a regular follow up appointment with my oncologist. He diagnosed it as a yeast infection.  I got a prescription for a cream.  And by the next day, I began to notice a huge floater in my left eye!  By Monday I knew I needed to see my primary care physician.  She gave me more yeast bashing medicine and told me to get in to my ophthalmologist as soon as possible. I had already gotten an appointment for that afternoon!

His diagnosis was that I have a vitreous detachment.  Fortunately I don't have a retinal detachment or a tear. But I'm to watch carefully for signs that may be happening.

Anyway, last night when Liga noticed the rash just continuing to spread I started to try to think of what could be going on.  The only thing I could think of was beginning to take the Flexeril.  I looked it up and there on the less frequent side effects, and serious ones at that, were rashes, hives, and problems with vision.

So today, I got myself back to my primary care physician.  I'm off the Flexeril, and I'm on a steroid pack beginning tomorrow. I'm on Benedryl at night and Claritin during the daytime for a few days to try and get this rash under control.  I'm diagnosed right now as a possible allergic reaction to Flexeril.
I'll be back at my ophthalmologists Monday next or before to get a recheck on that.

I'm so hoping a medicine allergy is really the answer.
I'm also really sorry that Flexeril is not the answer to my achey back!

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