Sunday, August 2, 2009

So here's the short of it,
Today was another great family and friends day.

And here's the long

We had such a nice gathering of family and friends this afternoon at Mommy Anne's to introduce Max to Chattanooga. He was much better behaved than I would probably be if that many people were crowded around me poking me and saying goo-goo.

Max is such a yummy little bundle to hold and snuggle. We are very lucky! He is a tall skinny boy. He's trying to roll over and he definitely knows what he wants and is just fine about letting everyone know if he's not happy with what's going on. He's also a handsome and alert little fellow!

I definitely know that it was a good choice to postpone my treatment so that I could be in good shape for these last two days.
So tomorrow I will hit the half-way mark in my "big chemo" treatments - it's number 3 of the 6. Dr. Schlabach will be adjusting my Carboplatin dosage since my platelet counts have been moving downward every week. I'm hoping that this adjustment will also have a positive impact on the side effects. That would be wonderful!

In the meantime, I have my medicines and talismans all lined up to see me through this next cycle. I'll work a half day in the morning, and then take the afternoon for my treatment.

Good thoughts, positive meditations, and prayers are all appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you this afternoon and always praying and lifting you up to God for healing!!
