Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Good Day

So here's the short of it,
Today I worked, I visited Dad, and Alan and I went to have dinner with Mommy Anne.

And here's the long

Work went fine today. I was in an elementary school.  I'll have to admit that made me a little nervous, but my blood counts should be at a high today and I was very careful about not touching door knobs, or the table where we sat, and all that stuff. I spent the rest of the day at my office where there are very few people around and got almost finished with one step of a big project I'm working on. 

After work, I stopped by Kindred and had some time with Dad.  He's not been feeling well at all, and it was good to see him.  His temperature was down near normal last night, but it's been pretty high today.  At one point it was 102. something.  They have started him on Vancomycin.  Mom was there while I was there this evening and I enjoyed spending time with Dad while she was there. She may decide to spend the night again tonight.

Tonight Alan and I went over and ate dinner with Mommy Anne.  I can't go see her most of the time because I can't be out, but it was such a lovely evening.  We had dinner, and she said the food was really good.  I have always found the food to be pretty good myself.  After we ate, we went out and sat in the gazebo, and she said she goes out to sit with one of the other ladies this afternoon.  There was an "island celebration" this afternoon, and she went.  Her table mate said she often goes to the trivia game they have regularly, and Ms. Johnson said, "she knows a lot of the answers, too". Tomorrow they are doing lots of different activities related to religions - I'm guessing representing the people who live there.  Mommy Anne really perked up at the session they are doing on Jewish Weddings.  She's planning to go!

Alan read last night's blog and reminded me that I can't work tomorrow morning because I have an echocardiogram scheduled.  I'm really grateful that Alan had that on his calendar.  I don't know how I missed on that.  I'm also so grateful that heart monitoring is a part of the treatment process.  All three of the drugs, Taxotere, Carboplatin, and Herceptin have possible heart side effects - so the report will be ready when I get to my doctor appointment before my treatment on Wednesday and I'll find out what it says.  My first echocardiogram was just fine.  I guess getting my heart checked out in great detail is one of the silver linings of having to go through this treatment protocol!

I'll work tomorrow afternoon and see how much I can polish off.

Thanks to all of you for your support, your e-mails, your comments, and the absolute love and caring that I feel every step of the way.

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