Monday, March 1, 2010


So here's the short of it,
I'm having trouble sleeping.

And here's the long

I stayed home from work today.  For some reason I couldn't get to sleep last night.  My Mom used to talk about "getting the big eye".  I think that must be what happened to me.  I may have messed myself up on Saturday night, because I couldn't go to sleep and I finally took an atavan late - sometime after midnight.  Then I slept until almost noon on Sunday.  Maybe that's why I couldn't go to sleep last night. I've also had that horrible back ache that I get sometimes.  I've been stretching and using heat all day long, but it hasn't helped so much.

I didn't even feel well enough to take Sophie out for her usual walk this evening.  As a result she was restless and a bit too hyper this evening. Thank goodness she's calmed down now.  I thought I'd take a nap sometime today, but never really could go to sleep. I have a very early morning tomorrow, so I need to go to sleep pretty soon.  It looks like there's a slight chance for snow/rain/slush in the morning.  It doesn't look as though there will be enough snow for us to miss school, but if there's slush about, we may have a delayed start - in that case I'll have a reprieve on that early morning. 

I have a bit of discomfort going on with my chest.  That one place right on my sternum that got so irritated is bothering me.  I'm going to use that same treatment that I was using during the radiation.  I have the anitbiotic soap to scrub up with and then I'm going to use the radiaguard lotion - I still have some left.  If that doesn't work, I go back to the cornstarch.

I need to take a hint from Sophie.

She's sleeping like I wish I could!

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