Thursday, December 16, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
We had another snow day today -- well I guess ice day.  And I had a good report from my oncologist.

And here's the long

Hamilton County Schools were cancelled today.  We had what the weather people call freezing rain.  And today I had a lesson in the difference.  Sleet freezes in the air and falls to the ground as ice.  Freezing rain falls as rain, because there is warm air above cold air.  It doesn't get cold enough to turn to sleet, but when it hits the frozen ground, it turns into ice.  Well, that's what we had around here!  And we didn't really get it nearly as bad here in Brainerd as in some other areas of the county.  It was nice on two counts - an unexpected day at home, and a 1/2 sick day I didn't have to take. 

Today was my 6 month check up with my oncologist, Dr. Schlabach.  It was really a pretty good visit.  My blood counts were normal.  He checked the bone density that had been done at the end of my treatments in light of my broken ankle, and said it was very definitely in the solid normal range, so the break isn't because of weakened bones. I felt like my appointment today was at an optimal time - he was just back from his yearly oncology convention and had the latest information to share.  I left feeling very well taken care of.  I didn't really learn any more than in previous visits -- but there is something so calming and present about Dr. Schlabach's manner.  We stopped over in the infusion room and had a quick visit with Lori.  She was a really great source of strength for me during my treatment time. 

This afternoon, I was home, instead of my expected work.  That was good!

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