Thursday, January 27, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
A busy day, a pounding foot, and a really early morning tomorrow!

And here's the long

I'm sure glad that tomorrow is a Friday!!
I had a really good work day today, but didn't get nearly enough done. I just don't have enough daylight. Tomorrow starts really early, really far from the house, so I'll be struggling out of bed much earlier than usual!

My foot was really swollen and tender by the time I finally got home tonight. The pains were even shooting all the way up my leg and meeting up with the pains that I usually have shooting down from my lower back and hip. I took an Alleve and got out the ice pack as soon as I got home (nearly 9:00 o'clock), and now an hour and a half later it's feeling much better. Now I just need to work on getting sleepy!

I had a great phone visit with a colleague and friend that I only get to see every year or so.  It always brightens my spirit to talk with her, and gives me a sort of energy boost for my work.  Thanks for the chat Mollie. 

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