Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
I nearly always enjoy Terry Gross on NPR.

And here's the long
Today I listened to Stirring Up 'The Feminine Mystique' 47 Years Later an interview by  NPR's Terry Gross.  Her interviewee, Stephanie Coontz spoke about Betty Friedan's book and its impact on women coming of age in the 60's.

As I listened to it, I tried to imagine why it wasn't resonating with me at any greater depth than it did.   
I haven't given this lots of thought, but I believe that I grew up in a different world than the one that was described in the Feminine Mystique.  I grew up in a home that valued women's contribution as workers.  It's true that there was a huge difference in the kind of work available to men and women, but I come from a long line of women who were partner contributors in the household, and who were respected by the men in their lives.  As children, we girls were encouraged to have more dreams than making dinner and babies! 

Maybe sometime in the future, I'll take a look at Betty Friedan's book.  I was a little young to read it in 1962, then a little too pre-occupied to read it in the 70's and 80's, and then I suppose between then and now, it just hasn't seemed relevant.  

For now though I'll have to say that I still (on most days) enjoy making dinner!

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