Sunday, July 17, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Dinner time...

And here's the long.

You can take a girl out of the mountains --- but the mountain garden will always be a memory and summertime will always be a time to re-create those marvelous meals that came from Dad's garden to Mom's kitchen and then to our dinner table!

Green Beans.
Not just any green beans, White Half Runners.

I found these at Linda's - our local farmers market.

I got plenty!

    Then of course there's the corn.

This isn't the corn of my childhood memories though. This is one of those new super sweet varieties.  It's called Peaches and Cream - because the kernels are yellow and while. It is at Linda's as well. They understand the requirement to keep it cold, so I can get it home and into the refrigerator until I'm ready to prepare it.  Today I did 24 ears.

So here's dinner. 
The tomatoes are from our backyard garden. 
The cucumbers and peppers are from a neighbor's father's garden.
Yes, the green beans are a little more done than modern cooking calls for. 
What a great dinner!

Then there's the freezer!
Corn and Green Beans are waiting.
On a cold, grey day when we need to be reminded of a summertime, mountain garden
I'll open the freezer and make a dinner.

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