Saturday, July 24, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
Mommy Anne isn't liking bedrest!

And here's the long

Mommy Anne is supposed to be on complete bed rest until at least tomorrow evening because of the blood clot in her ankle.  She's not really doing too well with that!  NHC called this morning to say she was being noncompliant and I spent a good bit of the day sitting with her.  She dozed off and on most of the day, but could not remember that she didn't need to be getting up.  She really wants to be out of that bed!  Alan came and relieved me about 4 this afternoon and then he stayed until the sitter got there about 8:15 this evening.  She's very agitated and out of sorts.  I can understand how annoying it is to be bed bound and want to be able to do the things you're used to.  We'll have to see what tomorrow brings.

It sure has been hot today.  Sophie hasn't wanted to be outside very much at all.  I did  go out for my evening walk, but I only did about three turns around the circle and I was ready to come in!  Sophie didn't object to coming in either.  I think the heat index here in Chattanooga was about 106 today.

I'm hoping that I get a good night's sleep tonight.

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