Friday, March 16, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
My eye is OK.

And here's the long.

I had a follow up appointment with my retina specialist today.  I was a bit concerned yesterday when a couple of more floaters appeared and my vision got a little dimmer in my left eye, but the nurse said I'd be fine until my appointment today.

Late this afternoon Alan drove me over for my appointment - since I was going to be dilated I thought I might not need to drive back home!  When the tech did my first level check and asked me to read the chart, that left eye was really fuzzy on lines that I thought I should have been able to read!  I was really concerned that something was not quite right!

I sure was glad that when Dr. Funderburk took a look, he found everything OK.  He says I'm healing nicely, but warned me to let them know immediately if I see flashes of light or a shower of floaters.  I'm to go back in a month for a check up.

I'm really grateful to live in a place and time when I have access to such great medical care.  It sure makes me reflective of times past and places present.

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