Monday, June 14, 2010

It's hot around here

So here's the short of it,
It seems like it's too hot and humid to be this early in June!

And here's the long

Today has been another hot and humid day.  Temperatures in the 90's and I'd say humidity in the 70's.  There've been warnings to watch out for neighbors, especially the elderly and to make sure to stay hydrated and make sure pets have shade and plenty of water.  And it's only June! 

We've got mosquitoes like crazy here in Brainerd.  I suppose all the rain we've been having has left good places for them to breed.  They are ferocious little critters too.  Last summer I could walk into a swarm of them and they didn't even light on my skin.  I think the chemo coursing through my system made me seem very unappetizing.  So I guess that one of the things I could take away (along with my red bumps) is that I'm getting more back to normal since they see me as a ready target this year. 

Tonight we went to Mom's for dinner and took Sophie to play with Hershey.  They had such a good time.  They were both just covered with doggie slobber by the end of the evening.  Hershey is not the least bit timid about jumping up on Sophie and trying to chew her ears or her tail.  Sophie tolerates her very well, but doesn't let her have the upper hand. 

Tonight I waited until the sun was pretty far down to work in the garden.  The heat was much more tolerable, but it got dark before I got very far along.  I'll work some more tomorrow. 

I worked today and got quite a bit done - but it was an unsettling day.  We've had a cut in the lead teacher ranks, and I'm not sure I understand all the implications of that.  I have another half day to work, and am saving it until I hear some news that will help me put together some of the pieces for my last project.

I didn't get around to calling about my computer so it's still on the blink.  I'll worry about that tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Heat in Knox @ 95 degrees today, so we beat you on that one! SO hot and humid I had to break down and turn on A/C long before I really wanted to! Thanks for pics of Emily and Hershey. I believe they 'suit' each other! ~ jvj
