Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So here's the short of it,
 Got a big tedious chunk of work done today.

And here's the long

I went in to work today and just strapped myself to the chair and didn't move except for heating up coffee from the thermos in the microwave and taking the requisite trips to the ladies. Oh - I did take a short break to reach into my lunch bag and eat a quick lunch.  And...I'm really close to having the End Of Year report that I'm responsible for done.  I get a report on an excel spreadsheet and I can sort it several different ways to get some of the data that I need for the report.  That is the easy part.  The harder part is taking the data submitted by each school on separate sheets and hand counting their data.  The state has a form that the data has to be submitted on, and there's not a way to merge those forms.  Shucks!  Anyway, I'm really close to being done after pushing pretty hard today.

Mommy Anne is doing lots better this evening.  She had a pretty rough night last night.  Alan and I ended up going back down to the hospital because she was agitated.  Tonight she ate a really good dinner and was much more relaxed and in a much better frame of mind.  It was good to see her.  Later we went to Mom's for dinner.  She made a little steak and fixings.  The salad had some of her garden produce - onions, swiss chard, as well as some lettuce and peas.  It was just really good!  We had a nice visit.

Tomorrow I've got a couple of interruptions on my calendar, but I'm going to finish up that report!!

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