Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How could I forget!

So here's the short of it,
My blood counts were OK, so I had my treatment today.  

And here's the long

All my blood counts were in good shape today, so I got what I expect will be my final Chemo treatment.  It's working pretty quickly.  Within an hour of being home, my diarrhea had already started! 

I FORGOT to order my Anti-nausea medicine for this treatment.  So here I am without having it! I am supposed to take it first thing in the morning.  I'm hoping Alan or Valdis will be able to go to the pharmacy first thing in the morning and wait for it.  I have been so lucky not to have the put you on the floor nausea that so many people have. 

The Abraxane hasn't gotten to my taste buds quite as quickly as the Taxotere did.  Mom made dinner and a couple of hours after my treament, nothing tasted horrible, but by the end of the meal I was beginning to taste that metallic sharp taste and I have an aftertaste this evening that I can't quite get rid of.  I've also started having chills and hot flashes.  Not really bad right now, so perhaps this last treatment will be the easiest of all.  After all, the dosage of Carboplatin has been reduced twice, and the Taxotere has been replaced with Abraxane!  

My two brothers, Russ and Steve, will be here for a few days.  Russ arrived this evening and Steve will be here sometime late tomorrow evening.  I hope I feel well enough to have some good time with them.

I wanted to celebrate this final treatment today.  My regular oncology nurse, Lori, was on vacation and Elizabeth took care of me.  I kind of know all of them, because they all pitch in to change out the bags, answer the beeping of the infusion machine, or check on patients who are having some side effect, and once before when Lori was gone, I was in the capable hands of Elizabeth...anyway, when I told her that this was my last round of Carboplatin and Taxotere, she said, "You know, sometimes Dr. Schlabach has to have a patient do another treatment or two."  I was astonished.  She said that it's not uncommon - that about 10 to 15 percent of patients end up having additional treatments.  I won't see Dr. Schlabach for 3 weeks, so we'll see then what he says. So that lightness of being that I was looking for is weighed down with the reality that there is that slim possibility that I may not be done after all. 

I also had a chest x-ray after my treatment.  After Elizabeth heard my cough and had me tell her I'd been on Septra, a z-pack, Leviquin, and now Septra again, she said, "How about I ask about getting you a chest x-ray."  Hmmm.  I should hear something tomorrow or the next day if anything shows up.

So perhaps the worst this will be is a few days of sleeping in and napping on the couch in front of replays on the Food Network.

1 comment:

  1. Ajanta ED Trial Pack is very common and can usually be reversed by using natural remedies or medications to treat the underlying cause. Early intervention can often detect a serious medical condition, and determining the cause of ED early may increase the likelihood of reversing it.
