Thursday, October 22, 2009


So here's the short of it,
A sleepy day

And here's the long

Today, the day after treatment.  Alan went to the pharmacy as soon as it opened and got my big guns anti-nausea medicine.  By the time I was really up, it was here.  As soon as I took it I went back to sleep.  I've been asleep most of the day until about 6:00pm tonight.  Every time I opened my eyes between naps, Sophie and Lola were napping in their "guard Mom" spot -  Sophie on the floor near me and Lola curled up at my feet.  I did wake to go to the bathroom and to get something to drink a couple of times.   Alan was out most of the day, and at one point brought home a chai tea latte from Starbucks for me.  I was able to drink a mug full of that.  I've also had a couple of small glasses of diluted grape juice. I'm really trying hard to stay hydrated.

I don't think I'll have any trouble going to sleep tonight.  I hope I stay asleep.  I'm going to take a second bench anti-nausea medicine before I go to bed.  That should help me sleep as well as keeping the nausea at a pretty low level. No diarrhea since yesterday!  Maybe that's a hopeful sign for this treatment cycle.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn,
    Sleep is still my best friend! Hot flashes aren't.. I hope this really is your last treatment..Have you tried the Life Water to hydrate you? I also usen Pristiq for teh flashes but they screwed me up last month with a new drug and now they are back! Shame on the docs! :) But they are men..sigh and don't understand the sparks we get very well. Much luck on feeling better this treatment...
