Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So here's the short of it,
For the day after surgery
, I think I'm in pretty good shape.

And here's the long
My body is reminding me that I've just had surgery.

1) My urine is a strange light blueish, light greenish color - delightful information for most of you to hear about, I'm sure. It's one of the ways my body is getting rid of the blue dye they used. I think it is remarkable that the surgeon can follow the path of blue dye to see which lymph node the tumor drains to.

2) Nothing tastes good! I guess that's not so bad.

3) I have anesthesia brain.

4) I'm a little unsteady when I try to walk.

5) Strangely enough both sides of my back along where a bra back goes feel tender - like I exercised it too much.

and, of course

6) I am really sore and quite swollen. It's hard to get comfortable whether sitting, lying down, or standing. I think it gets easier every day.

Thank you for your continued prayers and good meditations.


  1. Lynn,
    thank you for posting. This has been great, and I want you to know prayers have been going up here in Texas for you..
    Keep your chin up, and a smile on your face sweetheart.


  2. Thank you for all the updates. Rest and heal and know you are loved. Many get well prayers are with you as you recover.


  3. Lynn, I learned today of your blog. thanks for having it. Only you would think of this way to help all of us keep up.
    I know the recovery is hard but you will recover.

    All my big love Max
    used Bill's account he's Mr. Bones

  4. Lynn,
    So glad we chatted on the phone, phone a little while ago. Your blog is super. Please know prayers from Bucks County are at your heart's door. Can you add Michael and Scott to your blog email list:

    That's Milko's daughter, Beth. She asks about you every day. Did you know she has gone back to school to study nursing?

    Blog with ya later. Keep doing and take good care of YOU. MWA!
