Monday, May 25, 2009


So here's the short of it,
I am quite tired. My Dad had spinal surgery on Friday. On Sunday morning he had an event. He is now in ICU and I have overexerted. I am going to focus on rest and seeing Dad.

And here's the long

We knew this would be a roller coaster. Alan had double hernia surgery the week before my surgery. Then Dad's spinal surgery which had been postponed twice was scheduled for Friday, after my surgery on Tuesday.

Dad had lots of difficulty getting comfortable after the surgery on Friday. Steve and Pat spent the night with him on Friday. Saturday night Russ took the night shift. He was still very uncomfortable and Russ says it was apparent that Dad was feeling disoriented. Mom got to the hospital about 8 Sunday morning, and I got a phone call about 10:30 saying that they were taking Dad to ICU.

Dad's stable now. He is on a respirator and is in the good care of the CSICU at Erlanger. But there was an intense amount of time in the waiting room of the ICU until very late Sunday night. I completely didn't think about needing to be still or such. We were all so worried about Daddy. As a result, I'm absolutely weary, extremely sore and very overextended! I've been to the hospital twice today although I did sleep for quite awhile this afternoon, and intend to go to bed early this evening.

Mom has been such a trooper. And I have such hope that with time, Dad will have a good recovery.

I am thankful today for the nurses and Doctors in the CSICU at Erlanger who are taking care of my

I am especially grateful for my husband Alan who has been a rock.

I am grateful that my brothers Russ and Steve with his wife Pat have been able to be here until today. I know it's been such a comfort to Mom as well as Dad to have them here.


  1. In the midst of all the storms, Lynn, you always find the people you are so grateful for. I learn from you all the time and with every posting. Alan has been my "brotherly rock" quite a few times, so I kinda know what you mean. He's amazing.

  2. Hey Lynn, I finally got on your blog. Yeah!! I'm so glad you are resting and taking care of you, that's the best medicine you can give you and Dad as of now!!! We Love you and will see you this weekend. Pat

  3. Lynn, I'm so glad you have gotten focus. While lots of events are in your life, you must get better to beat the canser. You must ask for what you need from anyone. What funny movies have you seen? What laughs have you had?
