Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
Good Food and soap in the bed!

And here's the long

Mom made dinner for us tonight.  She had a long day of tests - an MRI of her back, a bone density test, and some blood work.  After all that she came home and made a great dinner.  Comfort food - soup beans (pintos), roasted beets, and macaroni with tomatoes and cheese finished up with some cornbread!  I brought home some leftovers to take for lunch tomorrow!  It was really great to have dinner made.  I know she was awfully tired after a day of medical tests - but there was that great dinner.

So I'm sleeping with soap in the bed.  I sliced a bar of Ivory Soap into four pieces.  The soap is between my bottom sheet and the mattress cover.  I have a piece at my feet, a piece near my hips, a piece that is inside the pillow case.  I also read a piece where one person said it sometimes helps to just rub the soap on the places where the muscles are cramping.  So I've been rubbing the dry soap on my feet my legs and my hip and lower back.  I don't know if that's the reason, but I'm cramping less at night.  I'm still having lots of sleep troubles.  My doctor told me that I need to work on my sleep hygiene! 

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