Sunday, September 12, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
Soap in the bed. 

And here's the long

Today for the first time since this spring, it felt great out! I'll have to say, I'm  so worn out with the heat that today really lifted my spirits. 

I've been having problems all weekend with my feet.  The neuropathy which for me has been just an intense numbness akin to my feet "falling asleep", is changing.  The first change was that the numbness seemed to be a little less. But this weekend, I began to have random sharp shooting pains through my feet.  The pains aren't unbearable, and they come and go pretty quickly, and they aren't coming really often.  I'm also more clumsy - in the feet department that is.  I've had two or three stumbles, and I just am not certain where to put my feet to stay balanced when I'm not on a flat surface.  I'm sure this is a passing phase.

This evening Mom reminded me of the soap in the bed remedy for cramps and other such.  I know this remedy works for my leg cramps, but it occurred to me that the soap in my bed is probably 6 months old or so - I'm getting a new bar!  I always bring home the soaps and shampoos from hotels, and when we get a good collection, they go to the Ronald McDonald House.  But tonight, one of those soap bars gets unwrapped for my bed.  I hope it helps the foot pains as much as it helps my leg cramps!  Even Dr. Gott recommends soap in the bed!

Wow, someone even markets Bed Soap!

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