Thursday, September 30, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
 A break in the Fall or not.

And here's the long

Tomorrow is Friday!  I'm pretty tired this week.  Two more weeks before Fall Break - I'm really glad that we have a fall break.  Teachers and parents are being polled this week regarding when we should return to school next year.  The choices are returning August 1st and keeping our Fall Break, or starting later and having no fall break!  For most teachers it's a no brainer - fall break is such a rejuvenating time.  Kids come back better, teachers come back better - but it's a problem for some parents who have to figure out a week of day care.  We got our phone call tonight asking for our vote.  We voted for the calendar which will give us a fall break!

The weather has been so pleasant this week.  It's been such a break from the heat of the summer.  There was a breeze blowing tonight and Sophie was so energetic.  I hope we get a nice long fall.

Tomorrow is an early morning - I need to get to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. We are facing a similar situation in our school district. Many of our parents are employed by the university which does not get a Fall Break. Several parents have offered a compromise... Start the school year as usual, take a long weekend Fall Break (Fri and Mon) and get the entire week of Thanksgiving off like the university students. Just a suggestion.... Cyndi J
