Monday, September 13, 2010

So here's the short of it, 
Space Station Sighting.

And here's the long

International Space Station
Mom called at 8:34 to say that a gentleman who was a friend of Dad's from his Chattanooga Gideon's camp to let her know that the International Space Station would be visible in the northern sky at 8:38.  We hurried outside and saw two things going over.  The first was a blinking light that we followed for a long distance.  The second one was a much brighter white light that moved very quickly and was on a different trajectory - we didn't see it for as long.  I know one or the other was the space station.  It was pretty exciting to see it.  The street lights all around the circle really wash out the night sky for us.  We were joined by a couple of neighbors, and we were standing around holding our hands up to block out the light from the street lights. 

We'll look again tomorrow night.  It will be at 9:06.  As soon as we got in the house I got online and looked for the space station tracker.  Follow the link, put in your location, and get your binoculars ready!  I hope tomorrow we have had time to get our binoculars out!  Here's some more information

So tonight as we watched we remembered Uncle Tom VanSant who kept us enthralled and interested in space from his early days working for NASA as we launched the first humans into space, to the mini-family reunion on the grounds of a middle school in Atlanta where he hosted us for a Total Eclipse of the Sun party. 
What a great mind!  We also remembered Dad - who was so interested in space.  He would have been right out in the yard, or would have arranged for a mini-party at his house or ours! 

Here's notice.  There's a Total Eclipse of the Sun that will be visible in a band that crosses Tennessee on August 21, 2017.  There will be VanSant and Howard family there.  Plan to join us somewhere in Tennessee!

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