Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Off the Grid

So here's the short of it,

I'm beginning to surface this evening after a few days of nothing but sleep and illness.

And here's the long

Wow, I finally feel like I'm back in the land of the living.

For the last few days, I've been absolutely laid out! I've had ferocious diarrhea each time I try to eat or drink anything, and have slept almost 16 or 18 hours of every day. Today, my doctor called in a more potent anti-diarrhea medicine, and before it even got here I began to feel better - better enough to actually try to eat something. I think I've lost several days, I actually don't know how many. I don't really have anything to report except that long dark sleep of illness, waking only to turn and find a more comfortable place to fall back into sleep.

There of course have been short periods of time with my family trying to give me comfort and nourishment or short communications with friends or trying to get something to stay inside me long enough to provide sustenance.

I am hoping that tomorrow I'll be stronger and my brain will be more engaged in the world.

Thanks to everyone who has expressed concern.
I am so grateful to each of you for all your care.


  1. Lynn I am so proud of the way you are fighting this head on. You are stronger than cancer. I hope your body will adjust to the Chemo and not react so violently every time. I send you every good thought and positive energy I can muster.

  2. Lynn,
    Please ask for anything.
    I love you

  3. Hello there Lynn! Just sending you healing angels and letting you know that we are thinking of you!
    -Daniel and Jeannie Hixon
