Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
So, it's still raining!

And here's the long.

Lee hit us with rain! The rain started falling and has just kept on coming. Apparently in some locations we had enough rain to be considered a 1,000 year flood, but because the ground was so parched and soaked up so much of the moisture, there was not the flooding that there could have been. When Liga left work last night she had to go home via the freeway, which is out of her way, in order to avoid flooded areas. Thank goodness we didn't experience anything here but having to turn on the pump in the basement!  The WPA ditch behind Mom's house came out of the bank, but the neighborhood put together a crew to clean up debris out of the ditch a couple of days before the rains and the water really flowed right on. The power of the water in that ditch is absolutely amazing!

Here are some pictures of places not too far from us as shown on Chattanoogan.com an online local news source.
Right in our neighborhood!

Very near us.

Moore Road and I24 

We were out of school today because of the flooding and because so many of us were without power.

Here on the circle, we lost power about 11:00 last night. After that there were lots and lots of sirens. I still don't know what that was all about.  Of course, here on the circle, as usual, our power only stayed out for a little while.  By 3:00 AM it was back on again. We didn't know when we decided to move here that this house was in the magic zone in terms of the electric power grid. We have been SO lucky over the years. I think last night might be the longest we've ever been out of power! Some of my Facebook friends are still out of power! The news says about 17,000 customers are still without power!

Tomorrow we have an hour delay for school, but since I have a meeting at 8:30 and need to be at our meeting place before then, I guess I won't go in on a delay.

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