Saturday, December 10, 2011

So here's the short of it, 

And here's the long.

Well, today is coming to an end -- had the house to myself for most of the day.

My friend Max came over to have a lesson in making Pulled Cream Candy.  This is an old Kentucky recipe - and handed down from my Great Aunt Ruby.  She made it every year and sent it to her brother at Christmastime.  My Grandpa VanSant.  I started making it in my late 20's and have made it almost every year since.

One year I made it and went to Atlanta to my brother Russ's house for Christmas.  The batch that I took was gone in no time so Russ requested that we make some more.  He went out and bought a marble slab, but none of us could exactly remember the recipe.  Mom called Aunt Frances, but she didn't have the recipe.  She called Great Aunt Ruby in Oklahoma, got the recipe, and then called Mom back.  And we had the recipe.

It's an extremely simple recipe.  And it's not really lots of work - it does take a good bit of time and attention.  Here it is for any who would like to give it a try.


Great Aunt Ruby's Pulled Cream Candy

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup boiling water
1 tsp butter
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tsp vanilla

more butter

Put sugar in a large (4 quart) heavy pan.  Pour boiling water over sugar.  Set over medium low heat. Stir gently and as little as possible with wooden spoon until sugar is dissolved. When sugar begins to boil, add butter and whipping cream slowly, so it does not stop boiling.

Cook at a slow boil until crackle stage when dropped into cold water.

Pour out on a buttered surface such as marble or granite. When cool enough to handle, pull candy.  Keep hands buttered. Add vanilla while pulling.

Stretch candy into a long piece - like a rope-  Cut into small pieces with buttered scissors.  Leave on marble until it creams.  (may cream quickly or it may take up to 24 hours)

Do NOT stir after sugar is dissolved
Use only a wooden spoon for testing
Do NOT make when raining!

Here's a link to a couple of other recipes (that I've never tried)  Kentucky Cream Candy

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