Saturday, June 16, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
More tomato plants in the garden...

And here's the long.

The two older boys that moved in next door have become my garden helpers.  Late this afternoon, Ian knocked on my door and asked if I was planning to work in the garden this evening.  Since I had a few more tomato plants that needed to get in the ground, I thought sure why not, so we made a date for about an hour later.

The two boys met me in the garden and we got five more tomato plants in the ground.  They are delightful kids and were really a big help.  We worked on the 5 plants I already have in the ground.  They are covered in green tomatoes already - but I didn't get them in the ground soon enough to have any ripe ones yet!  We got them trained into their cages - and got the cages tied up to the tomato stakes to stabilize them a bit.

I used the post hole digger to get good holes for the five we planted.  Caden wanted to try making the hole by the time we got to the third plant.  He was very determined and really did a good job for a 5 or 6 year old!

Liga was over so she brought a chair out to the garden and kept us company, supervised, kept us supplied with good cool water, and helped the kids.

And to think that if Ian hadn't knocked on the door, I probably wouldn't have gone into the garden this evening!

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