Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
Yom Kippur began tonight.  

And here's the long.

We had a nice supper of salmon and scalloped potatoes, and finished in plenty of time to get to Temple for a good seat. It was great that Liga was able to be with us - of course we missed all the other family that couldn't join us.  Mia and Clyde also came for dinner and for the first few minutes of the service a the Temple, but something came up and they had to leave before the service really got started good.

I did a bit of research and discovered that in much more ancient times, Yom Kippur was the day that engagements were announced, and that perhaps even fertility rites were observed.  That's funny, there's little about the contemporary liturgy that would even suggest that marriage or fertility have anything to do with the holiday.  Nowadays it's about setting things aright and beginning a "new" year, with attempts to be a better person than we were in the year before.

I suppose I should head to bed, so I'll be ready for a day of observing the holiday.

Love to all.  And for my Jewish friends and family - may you have an easy fast, and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

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