Sunday, September 30, 2012

So here's the short of it, 

And here's the long.

Tomato season won't be lasting much longer.  We were commenting on that at dinner today. It's awfully hard to even think about buying tomatoes from the grocery once we get our taste of good home grown ones from the back yard tomato garden. The picture is the harvest from today.  They have such a great flavor.  The green ones might get fried, but I think they'll probably just get to ripen.

I'm also freezing some of them.  That's really easy to do and they are excellent to use in soups, stews, and sauces!

Maybe you can see that a few of the smaller "cherry" type tomatoes are larger than others.  Mom had some seed from the TFI's that was a few years old.  She started those seeds and shared some of the starts with me. The little tomatoes from those seeds are bigger than the ones we had gotten in the past few years.  We noticed - or thought we noticed that the size was diminishing.  They're also have such a great flavor.  No wonder Mom and Dad brought those seeds back.

Don't know what I'll do about a garen next year, but for sure there'll need to be a few tomato plants!

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