Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
We had a dry run this evening. 

And here's the long.

Tonight at 6:29 PM we had a dry run of Mom's mobile medical alert system!

I got home and plugged my phone in to charge it up.  I was in the other room when I got the call from Mom's medical alert folks.  By the time I got to it, they had hung up and I didn't know who it was.  I was calling back when I heard the message ding in and quickly discovered that since they had not gotten a response from Mom or me that they had dispatched an ambulance! (I didn't know it then, but they had also tried Alan, but he was in a meeting with his phone turned off.)

By this time, I was outside with Sophie - now usually when I call her to come in, she comes running pretty quickly.  Not tonight.  It didn't really take long to get her to sit so I could leash her and get her in, but let me tell you, it seemed like it!

When I got to Mom's house, there was an ambulance with lights flashing!  They had just gotten there and the neighbor was walking across the street explaining to them that she had seen Mom leave for church not long ago.  They weren't sure because they could see the television playing! So went in and checked all the rooms to make sure that she wasn't in there in spite of that fact that she was gone, her car was gone, and the neighbor had seen her leave.

After they left, I drove over to church and cruised through the parking lot and saw that Mom's car was there.  Then I made a beeline for home.  I got back in time for Sophie to get her walk!

I was really glad that the life alert worked.  There is a little problem - it's a portable system, and it should have sent the ambulance to the GPS location where she was.  So the ambulance should have gone to the church.  Now that would have really qualified as a dry run.  They are supposed to be investigating to find out why the dispatch sent the ambulance to the house instead of where she was.  We'll get that little problem worked out.  In the meantime, a dry run is a pretty good thing.

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