Thursday, May 19, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Got to see Steve and Pat today!

And here's the long.

Hurray for Friday! I am really glad that tomorrow is the last day of the week. I have a big report to put together before I leave for my short summer break, and there's a piece from every school. Those pieces have started dribbling in. My big end of year report that is the balancing piece of that report is sitting on my desktop at work thanks to our amazing Delane! I need to shovel my way into it and pull out the pieces needed for the report, but having that report makes it so much easier than it was in the past when we had to count everything by hand! Computers are wonderful.

Steve and Pat were here for a little while this evening. They are on their way back to Atlanta after being in Nashville for the birth of their 3rd grandchild. Ryan Sean-Michael McSwain.  I got to see some good pictures. He's really cute. I'm usually pretty good at who babies look like. I can see Lauren in his mouth - but I can't see other resemblances yet.

He'll be going to Atlanta to his Aunt Meredith's wedding Memorial Day weekend.  And we are sure all eager to get to meet him.

We had a really nice visit with Steve and Pat. They really have a buy month.  Meredith's graduation, Baby Mac's arrival, Meredith getting married, and then getting Patrick off to his Marine training for the summer!  Wow, it makes me out of breath just to write about it.

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