Sunday, May 1, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
It's back to work tomorrow.

And here's the long.

Hamilton County will be back at school tomorrow - on an hour delay. There are two camps of thinking on this. One very vocal group thinks that it is crazy for kids to go back to school just now - many don't have electricity, there are still trees down all over the roads, and it may be difficult for them to even get to school.  Many of our communities are still reeling, burying their dead, and trying to figure out where to go next. The next group is one that believes that the faster we can get kids back into their regular routines the better it will be for them. So whatever we believe, tomorrow we will have our kids back in the buildings. Our teachers will get them back into their routines, pay attention to their fears, and help them get through the day tomorrow and then again day after day - that's just what our amazing public school teachers do.

Since I'm a teacher I get the hour delay as well and it will be great for me. I'll have a much more relaxed getting ready morning! I'm not eager to move back into the stress but there's work to be done and tomorrow we'll tackle it.

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