Friday, November 2, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
Friday night!  Love me a Friday night. 

And here's the long.

I'm sitting in my chair with the heating pad on my back and my pup snoozing at my feet.  It's been a long week, and I'm pretty tired.  But I'm gonna have some rest going on this weekend and it's time to change the clocks!  I'm gonna be falling back and getting a few more minutes of sleep!

Myra and Milko are home from their Italy trip.  Their return was postposed because of the problems Hurricane Sandy caused with air travel in the NorthEast.  Thank goodness they are home and their house seems not to be damaged.

Cousin Mia's former in-laws, who live in New York, are coming to Chattanooga for at least a week.  They have no electricity and are unable to stay in their home.  Her former husband is no better off and unable to be of any help.  It's great that they are able to come here.  Here's hoping that their time here in Chattanooga will allow them to have some distance from the horrific state of things in New York.  And they'll get a chance to visit with their grandson while he's in his normal school routine!

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