Saturday, January 2, 2010

Looking Forward

So here's the short of it,
It's back to work after one more day of relaxing!

And here's the long

My much cherished vacation is coming to an end.  I have one more day before going back to work.  And I have 3 more weeks of radiation treatments.  My medical team keeps telling me that my tiredness and fatigue will become worse and that my skin will continue to get worse.  But I can really tell the difference in the one really bad place on my chest with Dr. Gefter's recommended routine.  I cleanse it carefully, washing only with my fingers not a cloth or anything, using liquid antibacterial soap.  Then I rub a thin layer of 1% hydrocortisone cream into my skin. It's really kept that patch of skin from being sore.  The rest of my skin is dry and reddened, but so far the cornstarch is keeping it from being uncomfortable. My radiation technicians will have to remark me on Monday, because the soap has washed off the big center mark!  I'm sure that will add to my set up time. 

I really seem to have overcome the extreme difficulties of my chemotherapy.  The worst remaining symptom seem to be the neuropathy in my feet.  I took a fall tonight.  There is a step going up from the laundry room into the kitchen, and I misjudged because of my foot and took a fall.  I didn't hurt myself at all, but I'm reminded that I need to be careful!  I'm going to take it slow and easy tomorrow - try to take a nap sometime during the afternoon, so I'll be in good shape for work next week. 

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