Saturday, January 16, 2010

Still tired.

So here's the short of it,
I'm so tired!!!

And here's the long

Alan won yesterday's bet.  Sophie had a barking spell early this morning that woke me, but after she quit I was able to go back to sleep.  Then about 9:30 she got excited about something and woke me up, and I couldn't go back to sleep. Of course now I'm up and she's snoozing away.  I should wake her up I suppose.

This afternoon Alan and I had a nice visit with Mommy Anne.  She still has a bit of cough, but seems some better.  Then later we went to have a blueberry pancake dinner with Mom; Liga was up and went with us. 
I've started trying to walk and take Sophie with me.  This afternoon she enjoyed a good amount of rough and tumble play time with three of the other girl dogs in the neighborhood as I walked around the circle in the grey sprinkly afternoon.  She and Molly, an English Lab three houses over found a bottle from someone's chocolate milk.  They were so funny.  One would get the bottle and run around all over the place while the other one chased.  Then the other one would manage to grab the bottle, and give chase.  They seemed to have such fun doing that.  She is always so much calmer in the evening when she has some good play time. 

I am incredibly tired.  Not sleepy tired, but just so tired exhausted.  I'm thinking that must the the effects of the radiation and I only have 3 more of those to go! 

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