Thursday, January 14, 2010

Only 4 More!

So here's the short of it,
Countdown - 4 more radiation treatments to go!!!

And here's the long

When I first learned that I would have to have 38 radiation treatments I thought it would seem to be forever. I can hardly believe that so much time has passed and I only have 4 more radiation treatments left!  How can that possibly be? Starting tomorrow the strength of the radiation will be decreased.  It is a precaution to protect my heart function.  My skin is still holding up remarkably well according to the technicians.  I've seen pictures which I am not going to provide links to that show really  bad burns and open sores as side effects of the radiation.  My own experience has been far less traumatic so far.  I am more burned every day, but with only 4 more treatments to go, I think I'll escape the worst of it.  I am now using the radia guard lotion - it has some lidocaine in it and that along with the tylenol is helping me tolerate the discomfort.

I asked today if I could begin using deodorant since the target area for the boost radiation doesn't include my underarm.  I feel like such a stinky pot!  And the answer is a resounding no!  I have to allow the skin to "cool down" for at least two weeks before I start using deodorant, so I'll just continue to be a stinker.  People around me are either being very nice, or really don't smell me, but I can sure tell! 

It seems from my research that it will take from 6 months to a year for my skin to recover, and there is some possibility that the skin, especially in the area of the boost may not entirely return to normal.  Then it seems that my new normal whenever I reach that may be quite different from the old normal.  But I think that will be just fine. 


  1. Well, I didn't stick my nose up close, but you sure didn't stink tonight from my distance. If it was June or July now it might be a different story! : D

    I realized that you paid me a very nice compliment and I didn't even say 'thank you'. I was just taken by surprise. Thank you. I didn't mean to ignore it.

    I'll get to work on your hat when I get rested up. Even tho I've only worked two days this week, I feel like I've worked at least 9 straight days...only one to go.

  2. Yo, Lynn! Only 4 more radiation treatments! You are a trooper of the highest caliber.
    Love and miss you and see ya in February over President's weekend.
