Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tired but feeling good

So here's the short of it,
I'm very tired, and I'm looking forward to my new mapping tomorrow. 

And here's the long

I slept late again today.  I woke up at 9:00 and said to myself, that I should see if I could go back to sleep until 10.  I didn't wake until almost 11:00.  Even though I'm feeling much better, I am so tired.  I understand that the fatigue is radiation related.  I also had a bout of diarrhea over the weekend.  I looked it up and apparently that can also be related to radiation.  I was out doing errands with Mom when I started to have these really hard abdominal cramps.  That part was very different from the diarrhea I've had all this time before.  Anyway, we finished up what we were doing, and I got Mom home.  I got inside and to her bathroom just in time for me to avoid a huge mess to deal with.  I came straight on home and took generic immodium and just stayed near the bathroom.  By late evening I was fine. 

Today I began to think of how close I'm getting to the end of my radiation!  My chest has been burning and itching, but the 1% hydrocortisone that I'm allowed to use keeps it from being too awfully uncomfortable.  I'm also pretty sure that when the new mapping is done tomorrow, it won't include the chest area that right now is so uncomfortable, so it should continue to heal. 

I'm eager to see my new mark up tomorrow and where my boost area is going to be. I'm not going to borrow trouble, so I'll wait until tomorrow to see exactly where those lines are and I'll report on that tomorrow night.  In the meantime, I did buy the Radia-guard lotion on Friday to have it on hand, but so far I haven't started using it, as the cornstarch has been keeping me pretty comfortable.

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