Saturday, January 9, 2010


So here's the short of it,
Sleep is good.  I'm trying to remember that it's OK to be lazy right now

And here's the long

Today has been a short day.  I took an Ativan to help me sleep last night and didn't get up until noon today! I don't really like to take sleeping aids, so the Doctor prescribed the Ativan and asked me to try it.  I've only used it on the weekend, because it really does make me sleep!  It hasn't helped me with getting to sleep earlier.  I think I'm going to have to take it earlier!  This afternoon, I was really pretty much of a lazy slug.  I did take a nice long shower though. 

I took a good look at my radiation area in the mirror today.  It looks like I have a pretty bad sunburn, and I'm  a bit blistered around my nipple.  It's still not terribly uncomfortable.  I think the fact that I'm not trying to wear a bra may be helping it stay comfortable.  I've been just wearing cotton undershirts, and keeping the cornstarch on several times a day.  My upper chest is getting the 1% hydrocortizone and that it's helping enormously to keep the itching and burning under control.  Monday I get a new mapping procedure, and I understand that the new area will be much smaller.  That will give the other part of my chest and breast area some time to begin to heal.

Tomorrow I hope to sleep in again. Although I worked full days all last week, I was pretty tired by Thursday and was very glad for the day and 1/2 out of school for snow. They are saying we may have more snow toward the end of next week.  That would work for me!

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