Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So here's the short of it,
Work and treatments all went well.

And here's the long

I guess I know that my new normal doesn't have to be the very same as my old normal.  But I feel so much more like my old self today than I have in so many weeks and months that it's tempting to think that pretty soon it will be just like it was before. Today, our second day back at work from the break, was a big special education in-service at one of our schools with a big auditorium.  It felt so good to be in the auditorium, hear my wonderful colleagues review those crazy rules and regulations that make us pull our hair out (ha, ha, that's not why mine's gone), and just be around the professionals that I work with. I'm so fortunate to work with so many good and capable people. Another thing I noticed today is that I seem to have more stamina.  I don't really have lots more energy, but I didn't tire out nearly so fast.  My walking is getting better too.  My biggest problem is still steps and it's easier going up than going down.  The other time I have to be careful is when I first stand up - I can easily get off balance if I don't get my feet situated just right. 

I scheduled my radiation today to coincide with my lunch break, figuring I could just run down to the hospital, get my treatment and be back before the after lunch sessions began..... it did not happen that way.  The second machine is still not working so once again all the patients who normally are scheduled on 2 machines had to be alternated through the one machine that was working.  The technicians were really focused and working to make it go as quickly as possible.  But about the time I got there, the one working machine broke down and had to be fixed so I had to wait.  One more time I was in the small waiting room out of the cold.  This time a woman that I've passed in the hallway almost every day, but never seen in the waiting room came in after her treatment and sat down.  I had been chatting with her husband, a very interesting fellow.  She just wanted to talk, and she began to talk about when her mother and father passed away.  She remembered almost hourly the three days before her father died, and as she spoke, it seemed as though she was describing something that happened just a few months ago, instead of more than ten years ago.  It made me pause...

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