Thursday, July 28, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Looking forward to the last long weekend before school starts up.

And here's the long.

I'm so glad to be able to sleep in tomorrow! I hope I can sleep in until 8 or 9 o'clock!

Thank goodness today was the last "long day" I have to work long hours.  Of course educators are known for working long days, so it won't be the end of it, but it will be my choice when I do!

I'm looking forward to this three day weekend before we launch into the school year. Sunday we are talking Mom to the Wright family reunion (more about that on Sunday). But tomorrow and Saturday "I do what I want" (a direct quote from son, Valdis when he was younger).

It looks like tomorrow will be another hot one so I'll try to find something to occupy me in the house. I've also made up my mind that I'm going to buy a small water distiller, so I may look around to see if I can find one somewhere in town. We'll see what I find.

But tonight, I'm relaxing - my kitty is sleeping on the other recliner - my doggie is sleeping at my feet - Alan's already sound asleep - and I'm going to head to bed pretty soon.

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