Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Yucky, Yucky, Yucky!!!

And here's the long.


This morning I started thinking that maybe Lola was sick.  I also started thinking that Alan should learn to clean the litter box while I'm gone. I just couldn't figure out why her poops were smelling so awful.
So I got her litter box - and all around it cleaned up.
I sanitized the whole area.
The stink was still there!

Alan had told me that while I was gone a little bird got into the house - I started thinking that maybe it had died and crawled off somewhere. When he got home I asked him to use his super sensitive sniffer to see if he could locate a place in the den where Lola might have had an accident or where that bird might be.

Alan came back into the kitchen almost retching!  He gave me the low- down...something in the bathroom behind the little portable heater.  I clipped my nose with a clothes pin and headed to the back with a roll of paper towels!  There was a beautiful little chipmunk. I couldn't even see any wounds that could have been responsible for killing it.  Needless to say, I scooped it up, got it disposed of, and cleaned up the area.  What a foul odor for such a beautiful little critter.  It still smells - the fan is going and I'm hoping by tomorrow the bad smell is gone.

For now...
Stinky, Stinky, Stinky.

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