Friday, July 22, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
More about long work hours.

And here's the long.

I was really tired this morning!

I've been reflecting about how difficult this 4 long day work week is. I'm wondering if it's because my stamina is still not back to "normal". For so many years I've worked long hours and managed just fine... but this is really tiring.  Thank goodness I only have one more week of it.

You know long work days were just a part of life for so many people - and still are in so many parts of the world. I mentioned to Alan how people worked 10 and 12 hour days 6 or 7 days a week for so much of history.... He reminded me that they really didn't live very long either!

My own personal opinion is that people are not as productive in four long days as they are in five regular days. I also haven't seen any data to show that it really saves the district that much money!

In the meantime, I slept quite late this morning.  I actually got up about 7. But it didn't take much to figure out that I wanted to head right back to my pillow!  I was able to sleep for about another hour. I've been lethargic all day. But I did get up and get going and have a day which included a nice visit with Mommy Anne.

Tomorrow Steve and Pat will be at Mom's at breakfast time.  I'm going to head to bed early so I can get up and see them for a few minutes before they head down to Alabama.

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