Monday, July 11, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
So the very best part of going away is coming back home again.  

And here's the long.

Mom and I spent most of the day on the road.

We had a nice breakfast with Aunt Frances and Uncle Bob - fresh peaches and biscuits!  As Uncle Bob explained to me - they "don't use coffee" so we bought several cups of good McDonald's coffee last night and had it ready to just warm up this morning. It worked out great.

After breakfast we headed out for home.  We had great weather and light traffic.  We had a stop at Berea. They have a new Visitor and Artisan Center to display and sell some of the crafts of Kentuckians.  It was a nice stop and doubled as a restroom break.  Then we headed on to Knoxville.  We went by for a quick visit with Aunt Joyce and then went over to Aubrey's Cafe for a late lunch. It was nice to spend some time with Mom's two little sisters!

We took a detour coming out of Knoxville since on the way up on Thursday we saw a huge back up on I-75 that we thought was because of the construction they are doing.  We took Kingston Pike down to Lenoir City and since we could see that I-75 was moving nicely we got on there.  Not much of a detour, but boy o boy!  The upscale subdivisions that are now in what used to be cow pastures were amazing.

We made it home about 5:00.  I love being home.  It's so good to see Alan and Sophie and Lola.  Take a shower.  Sit in a home chair.  Walk the circle.  Think about going to bed.  Head to the bed early...

Emily and three of the Howard girls - Irene, Dot, Mom(Emily) and Mary  cousins in the back

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