Monday, July 25, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
Work and sleep - thinking of how to balance all that. 

And here's the long.

OK, long Monday went fine.  I need to work on getting to bed earlier on these long days!

My awesome new computer that I've only had for a few days has something wrong with it. It has this kind of warpy thing going on down on the bottom. I hope it's easily fixed and not something that is going to involve sending it back and waiting for a new one to come!

The pressure to be ready for school to start is really on high now. There's still so much to do before teachers report next week.  There's so much talk out in the community about the schools and the budget cuts, and the principal fruit basket turnover, and the new superintendent -- and how it will all play out in the actual delivering education to our students. I do hope we can just push through all that and focus on the students.

So I yawned all afternoon today, but I can't get sleepy enough to get to bed early enough to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep!  I've got an early morning meeting with my boss, so I should work on that.  Last night I got engrossed in one of the early Harry Potter movies and didn't get into bed until after midnight!

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