Friday, July 1, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
We had a great family get-together tonight.

And here's the long.

We had a lovely get-together tonight.
Since Pennie and Myra were both in town, and since it's Mommy Anne's almost birthday, we had a get together for family tonight.

Liga hosted us in her apartment Party Room.  It is a great space to have a party. And we had quite a nice turn out.  It was a great way for us to get to see lots of people and have a nice visit.

I love this picture of the Richelson/Reingold cousins who were able to be there.

Mommy Anne seemed to enjoy herself, and we kept her out past her curfew!

Events like this always make me reflect on family - how we have the family we are born with (and how lucky I am in that regard) and then we have the family we chose (I'm pretty lucky in that regard as well!) I ponder about what the glue is that holds family together and why it isn't so for every family. It seems as though I know lots of people who don't have very close family relationships - and then there are others who have deep family attachments.  I think that's worth some social investigation!  Anyway, these cousins are great folks who have enriched my life in lots of ways. It was good to spend some time with them and their spouses tonight.

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