Saturday, July 30, 2011

So here's the short of it, 
White Tomatoes???

And here's the long.

Mom and I had a great morning - we went to the Farmer's Market up the road at Grace Episcopal. I found a new tomato variety. It's called a White Beauty.  It's not really white, but it's really pale. Apparently they come in all sizes from Beefsteak to cherry tomato size.  Some of them are actually kind of yellow,  and some of them are very pale with rosy tones, but the one I have is really pale.  I haven't cut it yet, but I'm excited to try it out and maybe save the seeds to try out next year.

The garden is so weedy right now, although I'm getting plenty of tomatoes. Of course that's just because I haven't been out to pull them.  I used to have a little piece of paper about the size of a business card that I kept in my desk and when a student would tell me that they didn't have their homework or their computer printer quit working, or whatever I would take it out and just hand it to them.  It said. "There are two things in life, reasons and results. Reasons don't count."  So in this instance, the fact that it's been so hot, and I've been working those long days, and by Fridays I'm so tired are just the reasons!  The result is a very weedy garden and no days to get it weeded.  I'll have to say though - the tomatoes still taste so good!

I've also got a case of the blight on the tomatoes. Today I didn't pull many weeds, but I did work on getting the blighted leaves off of the tomato plants and then sprayed them with a copper fungicide. I hope I haven't waited too late to get it under control!

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