Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So here's the short of it, 
I mostly escaped the plague today.

And here's the long.

I feel so much better today - well that's not really true.  I really didn't feel awful yesterday, just totally washed out.  I was worried that I wouldn't even be able to sleep last night - but that wasn't even a problem. I was still tired. But since I wasn't having to be in the bathroom every 30 minutes to an hour, I decided to go on to work.  I don't like getting days behind on stuff I need to do, and I don't like working from home when I'm being charged for a sick day (and that last part might be called a change of attitude for me).

I'm thinking maybe it really was a virus.  Alan passed me this morning as I was headed to the shower and said, "I think I've got your dire rear".  I got to start the morning with a chuckle.  I think he only had a touch of it.  Liga called to say she had just a touch as well.  Leah fussed at me a little about coming to work to share my germs.

I sure do hope I was not contagious today!

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