Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Herceptin countdown continues

So here's the short of it, 
Today was Herceptin number 51.

And here's the long

Herceptin number 51!

Today when I got to Erlanger and parked, a routine that I've done for a year now, I thought I'd gone to the wrong place.  I got out of the car and the big sliding glass doors that are the entrance to the medical mall weren't there!  I thought I must have parked on the wrong floor and wondered how in the world I could have done that after all these weeks.  It took a minute to figure out that I really was in the right place, but there was a huge fire door closing it off and people were going into the stairwell and into the hallway from there.  

It was a pretty strange feeling!  It turned out that there was some kind of malfunction in the fire doors.  In the long hallway the fire lights were flashing and the fire door at the end of the hall kept closing.  It's an accordion door, and they had an employee posted there to push it back every time is closed - and then it would start closing again.  It was pretty spooky at first and then pretty funny. 

I could hardly believe that today was my next to last Herceptin.  What on earth will I do on Wednesday afternoons when I don't have to go get an infusion!!

1 comment:

  1. What you'll do is CELEBRATE when you no longer have to endure those Herceptin infusions! And I'll shout for joy for you when that last one gets finished next week! ~ love you...joyce
