Wednesday, June 16, 2010

IV Treatments Are Completed!

So here's the short of it,
Today was my last Herceptin treatment!

And here's the long

What a day!

Well, it's over!  Today was Herceptin number 52 and I am officially done with all the IV medications!  I wonder if my car will automatically head toward the infusion room at Dr. Schlabach's office on Wednesday afternoons? 

My port had to come out in December, and several weeks before that it had malfunctioned and so the hand shot is the position of treatment on Wednesday afternoons every week for a long, long time.  That's a butterfly needle they had to use to get into that vein, and it just barely did go in.  That meant that I had to sit very still and not move my hand so that the needle would stay in position.  Thank goodness the Herceptin by itself was almost always done in under an hour.   

My blood count PT/INR was a bit strange today.  When the good doctor was consulted, he took me off the coumadin that I've been on since they removed the port!  Since my blood clot was caused by the port problem and it wasn't just my body acting up, six months is considered an appropriate amount of time for treatment. 

I know this is very strange to be saying, but I have some mixed feelings about this all being over.  I'll have to say that I just absolutely love all the people I've encountered in the oncology office.  They have been such a support all through this year, and after having gone every week for 52 weeks, I guess I'll kind of miss that.  And as my sister-in-law, Pennie, commented, it feels like getting the infusion was doing something pro-active to defeat the cancer.

But next Wednesday afternoon, if it's cool enough in the afternoon, I think I'll work in the garden or walk the dog.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! I hope you get to celebrate! We're still praying!

    Love you,
    Lauren & Ryan
