Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So here's the short of it,
Headachy, chest congestion, coughing, muscle cramps...

And here's the long

Last night was yucky and today was yucky too.  As the night wore on, I started coughing and started feeling a bit feverish.  I also started having leg cramps again.  It's been awhile since I started with the soap in the bed!  Last night the cramp was in my thigh running down the inside of my leg from my groin area to about my knee.  I couldn't figure out how to stretch it out!  I tried massaging it, but that didn't help much...  Thank goodness it didn't last two long and it only happened three times.

This morning I was worse! I had lots of chest congestion, feel a bit feverish, and had a pretty bad cough.  I found an old bottle of Dayquil and took a dose.  It did the trick to get me through the day.  I stopped after work to get another bottle and took time to read the warnings....let's just say I didn't buy it!  It seems I'm on the cusp of most of the contraindications listed.  So I got mucinex instead, and I did get the Nyquil - it's not got the same bad stuff in it. 

I'm hoping that I'll start feeling better by tomorrow.  The Nyquil should help me sleep better.

Tonight I had a comment on the blog suggesting that I try Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa for my cough. I looked it up and it sounds like something I'd like to try.  As soon as I'm near a place that sells it, I'll pick up small bottle.  I wonder if I  can take other medicines at the same time - I'll have to do some more research.  In the meantime, I'm ready to try to get some sleep - that should help probably more than anything. 

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